A review by bibliobethreads
The Willow Tree by Hubert Selby Jr.


First of all, many thanks to NetGalley and Open Road Integrated Media who gave me the opportunity to read this novel recently. To be perfectly honest, when I first started it, I wasn't sure if I was going to continue but I was determined to give it a fair shot, and I'm really glad I did, as by about 40 percent through (kindle-speak), I was quite hooked and intrigued to know how the story would continue. In a nutshell, this is a contemporary work of fiction about a young black boy called Bobby who lives quite an impoverished life in the Bronx, sharing an apartment with his many younger siblings, his mother, (no sign of a father figure anywhere), and some rats, who used to terrify him when he was younger but sadly as he has got used to them, they have become part of the furniture. There is a ray of light in Bobby's life however, his Hispanic girlfriend Maria whom he adores, until one dreadful day, when a gang of Hispanic boys don't take too kindly to the fact that someone of their race is with a black boyfriend, and beat Bobby to a pulp, while others throw acid into the face of his girlfriend, burning and disfiguring her permanently.

Bobby's battered body is found by an old gentleman called Moishe, who is a concentration camp survivor, and takes Bobby back to his apartment, nursing him back to health. As Bobby slowly recovers under the kindness of Moishe, he is told the extent of what has happened to Maria (and it's worse than you think) and becomes hell-bent on revenge. Moishe desperately wants to help Bobby, and dissuade him from retaliating with violence so tells him his own sad story, which is horrific, but shows a different way of dealing with pent-up emotions when they threaten to overwhelm you.

This is the first book that I've read by Hubert Selby Jr. although I'm familiar with his other works, Requiem For A Dream and Last Exit To Brooklyn. As I mentioned before, I really wasn't sure about the style of writing at the start of this book, but somehow the author managed to win me over! There are no speech marks used, so the whole thing reads almost like a stream of consciousness, which I didn't like at the start, but gradually got used to. I think the author evokes the setting and the voices of the characters beautifully, and I did find myself eager to know how the story would end. He paints quite a bleak view of life in general, and the utter hopelessness and futility of day to day living, scratching out an existence, paralleling with the author's own early life experiences. It's dark, it's dramatic, and I will definitely be picking up another book by Hubert Selby Jr. Just be prepared, it's not an easy ride!

Please see my full review at http://www.bibliobeth.com