A review by herbalmoon
The Key to the Indian, by Lynne Reid Banks


Just started, so I'm not quite sure what to think yet. A few mistakes I've noticed:

Omri says: Ruby Lou was a saloon-bar hostess.

I say: Not only is "saloon-bar" redundant, there was no such thing as a "hostess". She sounded like a woman-about-town and possibly even a minx. (Or "maneater", to use a little bit more of a modern term.)

Omri says: It was a hurricane that attacked London.

I say: How did a storm that was a tornado in book three suddenly become a hurricane in book five? And even if they hit the desert parts of Texas, they'd probably be a tropical storm or depression by then.

I hope this one ends up being as good as the last one or the ghostwriter that Lynne clearly hired will have been a complete failure.

==Two Days Later==

Mainly a failure. This book didn't have nearly the excitement of any of the others.

One last "hmm": Lionel refers to the shamen/holy people of the Iroquois as sachem.

But other nations (their Algonquin enemies, especially) call their chiefs by that title. In fact, Little Bear's comment that he's a "pine tree chief" makes me think that he was a sagamore and whoever Old Mother picked would be sachem.

But I don't know enough about the Iroquois to be certain about whether Lionel's appellation is correct.