A review by charlisbookbox
Seize the Night: New Tales of Vampiric Terror by Kelley Armstrong, John Ajvide Lindqvist


** I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review**

Anthologies have always been one of my favorite things. A chance to read old favorite authors and a chance to also find some new favorites as well, all based on some short stories. Which is, of course, why I chose to read Seize the Night - New Tales of Vampiric Terror.

The foreword by the editor, Christopher Golden, talks about how the vampire myth hasn't been diluted or gone away in this world of sparkly or overly-friendly vampires, but that it's time we return to the world of the scary, horrifying versions of these creatures. The only problem is - not all the stores are really about vampires.

Oh, don't get me wrong - most of them are. And it's possible I'm just not seeing how the rest are about vampires. But to me, not all are about vampires. It doesn't detract from the book being a solid read though. I only really had a problem with one story - for some reason it just seems that the story by Sherrilyn Kenyon ended in such a way that it didn't seem finished. Of course, I was reading an ARC of the book and so the final version could be a bit more filled out, but as it stands as of my reading, it seemed the story ended a bit too abruptly.

A few of the stories have a hint of The Walking Dead in that they're apocalypse driven - just with vampires instead of zombies. Those stories were very good. Even the stories where the vampires are creatures and not human are very good. And I was thrilled to see a psychic/energy vampire story (you just don't see those very often).

My favorite story is probably Miss Fondevant simply because of the uniqueness of the story. I also was very fond of In a Cavern, In a Canyon and Mother. All of them were great stories, but those three stand out to me as my favorites.

Seize The Night - New Tales of Vampiric Terror is slated to be released on October 6, 2015. Be sure to get your copy before they disappear!