A review by thepurplegiraffe
The Dark King's Curse by Wyn Estelle Owens


"So, little mortal lady... have hope. In the Maker, in the timing, and in happy endings. Hope might be a miniscule thing - as small as a candle flame - but it has changed the course of Worlds."

*happy sigh* So I binged this book in less than 24 hours, partially because I needed to get this review up today, and partially because I was so engrossed in the story. It's been a long time since I've read a fae-centered book, but this one was something special.

First thing, I need to talk about the characters because I am obsessed with them! Ailsa and Fionn's friendship is everything to meee (oh and Siobhra, obviously), Ailsa's friendship with the princess is so cute, the ships are so soft and wholesome, and just like... all the relationships are perfect. I am soft. I just appreciate so much how most of the time, 12DP retellings follow a solo hero, who's doing it on his (or her) own, but in this book it's a whole questing squad, and I'm here for it.

There are a looot of dream sequences in this book, which normally I'm not a fan of, but I didn't mind too much here. There were still bits that confused me, but overall were still intriguing enough to keep me going. I loved the whole concept of the seasonal courts, and the King of Autumn was one of my favorite characters, tbh. The magic system was epic, the mystery was intriguing, the banter was everything. I was unsure how I would feel about this book, but I'm happy to report that I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Recommended for fans of fae magic, talking cats, friendly banter, and gentle romance.

4 stars from me!

**I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author. A positive review was not required. All opinions are my own.**