A review by bookishanjali
The Almost Girl by Amalie Howard


3.5 Stars

I was surfing Net Galley and caught sight of this book, I never heard of it before but knew I had to read it just because of how amazing I thought the cover was and of course the blurb caught my interest as well. Anyways I found The Almost Girl to be a good read there were some things that I didn't care for but for the most part I found myself enjoying it.

Riven is sent to Earth from her world Neospes by the Prince to find his brother who was hidden away on Earth. The book starts off in a high school setting and I just didn't like that at all. There was a little too much angsty teen drama for the duration they were on earth. And then what kind of baffled me was that Riven is supposed to be the best soldier in her world which we learn later why and she didn't even recognize Caden whom she has classes with ..umm seriously? She was described as one thing but her actions led me to believe otherwise. Personally Riven did not grow on me until they jumped worlds and were back in Neospes. What I was most interested to read about Riven was her handling of her emotions. She was trained not to love. There is a lot of family issues with her as well which made things interesting and then her conflict of feelings for Caden she is loyal to Cale but is falling for her target.

As for Caden he was a good guy, he didn't know anything about who he was since he was raised as a normal teenager but then the part that kind of didn't make sense about him was how it was implied he was just as good if not better of a fighter then Riven who literally is bad-ass and has been trained to kill since she was a child. Then there was just how he accepted everything that was told to him about who he was I guess I expected him to freak out a little more then he did. I think I would have connected with his character a bit more if there was a couple of chapters in his point of view.

As for the plot as a whole well I pretty much liked it a lot. It's what kept me turning the pages and reading The Almost Girl so quickly. Once the high school setting was taken away and the characters arrived in Neospes things just got even more insane in a good way. You didn't know who to trust and what was going to happen next.

Overall I found The Almost Girl to be fast paced and worth the read.