A review by trish204
Alien Space Tentacle Porn by Peter Cawdron


It's often the small things that hold the most significance.

This is not a deep novella. Although it's deeper than the title lets one suggest. *lol*

Guy meets alien, alien turns out to be in the body of a hot woman, man goes on romp through time with alien.
Along the way, it's about human discoveries and human deparivities. How humanity is capable of the best and worst imaginable. Our often awesome ingenuity.
The aliens can't just push a button and make decisions for us, change has to come from within. Until then, they're apparently trying to protect us from ourselves while we're growing up.

Equality. A quiet revolution.

The author throws in basically every stereotype about aliens out there and either throws them in for a laugh or turns them on their head. He also peppers the story with pop culture references such as CSI episodes and Bruce Willis quotes.

Sadly, I didn't laugh or even only grin once while reading this. Maybe it was the boob jokes / dick jokes / nudity jokes ... that got old very fast.
The references didn't really work for me, either, considering how the MC supposedly is from the 1950s but he was also pretty modern in his way of thinking anyway. It didn't throw me off exactly but it didn't help with my general problem: I didn't connect with anyone or anything here.
Cops? Soldiers? Doctors? DARPA? What's the aliens' end game? Is there gonna be a twist in the end?
Who cares?!

Either you click with a book or you don't and I, unfortunately, didn't. Not really. Even the message was too generic for me.