A review by viviannaaudreyjames_
Devoted, by Jennifer Mathieu


“But why? Because a bunch of men who choose to interpret the Bible in a super–specific, super ridiculous way decide that to love God and Jesus you can never be sad or mad or angry? I mean, give me a fucking break. Human beings get sad. We get mad. We get angry! If God didn’t want us to feel this way, why did he create these emotions in the first place?”

+ I had never wanted to protect and hug a fictional character as I much as I do with Rachel Walker. A Christian girl, who’s deemed as a sinner for doing normal things - reading books that are not from the Bible, accidentally wore a thin shirt, causing her bra to be seen, and wanting to get an education.

+ I love stories like these. Religious cults and general cults alike. So I’ve known some traits from reading all those stories. But nothing hurts me more than knowing this actually happens in real life, to a hundred and millions of children all over the world. My whole heart goes to those who have been in these types of situations before. Know that my prayers are always with you.

+ every single time, there’s a verse from the Bible, it’s always used to shame the congregation. Instead of welcoming them into the arms of God, they instil fears inside these people's mind - when you don’t follow God’s words, you won’t reach Heaven, you won’t be saved, you won’t be able to meet Jesus. Instead of truly obeying God’s words and commandments, it has become a rule instead. That if you don’t stay faithful with God’s words, you will go to Hell.

+ don’t even get me started on Journey of Faith. Those church camps are nice and all, but force labour, endless reciting Bible hours and no connection with the rest of the participants? Yeah, I’d pass for life. These are so damaging. Especially to young kids. NO church camps should let you do hard work, under the sun, with no protection at all. As Lauren Sullivan said, “They’re brainwashing you.”

+ I’ve annotated the heck out of this book, so there are way too many points to list down, but most of them are just my angry thoughts, the fear I had for Rachel, and some Bible verses explanation because I suck at understanding the Bible.

+ read this with an open heart and open mind. Not all churches are like this, but they do exist. We just don’t know. As a Catholic, I understand the need to follow God’s words at all time will allow us to be one with God, the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. But in all honesty, you can be a Christian, and also a normal human being on this planet. You have one life. One wild and precious life.

What are you going to do with it?

God forgives. He’s always there for you. But your life on this Earth is only for a brief moment. Fill it with memories, give out compassion, love and empathy to those in need, and above all, be grateful and be kind to everyone.