A review by kimal25
To Capture Mr. Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Novel by Elizabeth Ann West


I have not read a book quite like this one just yet and I really enjoyed it. However, there were a few problems I had with it as well.

I loved! First, that with so much rain the stay at Netherfield was allowed to last a week and Jane was given the time to show her feelings to Mr. Bingley and no misunderstandings were allowed to brew. Elizabeth considering Mr. Darcy's good qualities more, if slightly forced by continued interactions with him due to staying under the same roof for a period of time. The ability to work out some misunderstandings.

I didn't like....Elizabeth seemed to misunderstand Mr. Darcy at every turn even when it seemed fairly straight forward what his intentions were. The rudeness by Elizabeth toward Miss Bingley, while deserved it does not seem in character. Mr. Collins' behavior turned from not just bumbling oaf, to outright evil and Elizabeth's following behavior; I do not feel she would have thrown a drink in his face. Mr. Darcy is known for being proper and gentlemanly, so to have him show up at Elizabeth's room asking to enter was very unlikely. And, Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bennet discussing Mr. Wickham, but not including Elizabeth was quite odd. Additionally, the ending felt a little rushed between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy.

I know that each author views things quite differently and while it felt out of character to me, perhaps not so to other people. I did give this one 4 stars so obviously I enjoyed it quite a bit, regardless.