A review by lauraanne9
Going Deep by Anne Calhoun


***ARC Provided by the Publisher and NetGalley***

This book is a romantic suspense and is action based. And, yet it isn't. While there is the action, and the tension you would expect, there is also a lot more character development than I was expecting. In some ways, this was great...but in others, it left me not entirely positive how I felt about it.

Calhoun also writes with impressive detail and is very precise in the way she tells the story, so you are not only able to follow along but you also feel like you are getting a lot deeper story than the usual for the genre.

Conn and Cady were both interesting and developed characters, which was different from a lot of romantic suspense, and it resulted in my feeling very connected to the people who were being stalked and having their jobs threatened.

I recommend this book, for the writing, the pacing and the characters. It is the 5th in the series, but it does function as a standalone.

***This and other reviews also featured on “I’m A Sweet and Sassy Book Whore” http://www.imasweetandsassybookwhore.com***