A review by rach
Children of the Storm by Elizabeth Peters


I really enjoyed this volume of the Emersons' adventures. Finally, the war is over! And there are babies, and the whole family is back together in Egypt again. It's still kind of strange to think of Amelia and Emerson as being old enough to be grandparents - in my head, they are still in their 30s, full of youth and vitality. And I hope that view of them never changes, because deep down, that is who they are, regardless of the passing of time.

The mystery of this book was intriguing and windy, without being too spread out and disconnected. I love that Sethos keeps being drawn closer and closer into the family circle, and it was great fun seeing Mariam back again. She's an interesting girl, and she deserves some happy times.

Overall, a fun, moving, entertaining read, and one that makes me look forward to the next volume. :)