A review by foreverburningred
A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray


I loved this book! It was sci-fi with romance thrown in. I usually don't do sci-fi because i'm super picky about it. I saw the cover of this book and i'll admit I was super shallow and picked it up because of that. It's so pretty. Don't judge me. The synopsis sounded great to me so I jumped in and i'm glad I did.

It follows Marguerite who's dad has been murdered. His alleged murderer has fled to another dimension via the Firebird, a device Marguerite's parents invented for dimension hopping. These different worlds were described so well for me. I have issues with not being able to picture people (google face blind if you're interested) so I focus a lot on the settings. It was really well done. Marguerite also finds herself falling in love with an unlikely character.

My only issue with this book was the foundation for the romance between the two characters (No spoilers). It felt like we just rushed in with no real background. The story does jump to past memories to give us a feel for Marguerite and the one she falls in love with. However, this wasn't enough to me. I didn't feel the connection as well as I wanted to because of this.

Otherwise, a great book. I can't wait to read the rest of the series.