A review by katkinney
Saturnius Mons by Jeremy L. Jones


Action-packed space thriller! Humans managed to screw things up in the 21st century (duh!) and the world looks a lot different in 3100. But have we really learned anything from our mistakes? There’s a mission to Titan to mine its resources for the betterment of super-big-corporation and who cares what that does to the planet or the natives, and Viko and his team of cohorts is sent to make sure no harm is done. I rather loved the vivid descriptions of technology, how things worked in space without getting overly clunky. It was snarky at times, dry in others, and worked perfectly.

As Viko, science nerd Kronos, plus Isra and Althea, fight their way through the forest, encountering stampeding mammoths (because, duh, why wouldn’t you approach them? 😊), and then evidence of things far more insidious lurking in the forest. When they find themselves thrust in the middle of a holy war between two Titan tribes, they have to figure out a way to keep everyone from destroying each other, and get out alive. The world building in this was spectacular. Author Jeremy Jones writes like an expert on space tech, weaponry, his science delves just far enough in to the technical without drowning you in details, and the nuances of each side of the warring tribes were well thought-out. Fight scenes are a strong point for sure, and this is definitely an action-heavy tale perfect for sci-fi lovers.

There were a few spots where pacing slowed. One thing I would have loved is to delve even more deeply into character backgrounds and motivations for our main four players. There were little snippets that hinted at backstory and emotion from time to time like Viko’s dialect being different from the others, his drug abuse, Kronos spilling out hints of backstory on Isra, etc, but for the most part, action drove the plot without as much character development. I’m kind of a character-driven, emotional development arc reader, so all these little tidbits left me super curious! All in all, a delightful read, with more to come in this series!

Please excuse typos/name misspellings. Entered on screen reader.