A review by piabo
The Privileged Poor: How Elite Colleges Are Failing Disadvantaged Students by Anthony Abraham Jack


<<< 2024 Review >>>
My February re-read. I feel like I got out even more this time around. Very grateful for this brilliant author and his patient and insightful research. A longer review will follow later.

<<< 2021 Review >>>
Words can be so powerful, wow.
Mr Jack gives me ways to describe what I have been observing on campus and around me.
Although the student body of my college does not compare to average US elite unis, I could still find many parallels still.

As an aspiring researcher I especially loved the last chapter in which the author describes their interview and data collection methods. The work and analysis done sounds pretty impressive.
I am glad there are researchers like Mr Jack out there that can show their research to the world like him.

Hoping to use this knowledge in my work study position on campus and make my uni a better place for first-generation and low-income students. In our case also mostly international students.