A review by a_h_haga
Wonder Woman & Justice League Dark: The Witching Hour by James Tynion IV


I picked up this comic because it was about Hecate, and while I hoped it would be an interesting story, I feared it would be just another un-informed horror story about women and power. And it was.

Basically, this story say that all women with power are selfish, and if they share, they so it in hate. It say something good is bad, and something bad is good.

The art is ok, if a bit messy. The story start out interesting, but is easily predictable and boring. I considered DNFing the book a couple of times.
The characters, tho, were weak. Every-one of them were 1-dimensional and as easy as can be, fitting into the small box needed to move the thin story forward.

I know comics and stories make their own spin on history and "dead" religions, but it is something that irk me to no end, and this story fell into that chategory.