A review by prationality
Trailblazers: 33 Women in Science Who Changed the World by Rachel Swaby


So I enjoyed this book. Being not terribly into science I only knew a handful of the women described here. At times Swaby relies a little too much on the reader having prior knowledge so the women's accomplishments seem glossed over. In addition what few facts I did know seemed to not have been deemed important enough to include.

I was also surprised by the fact, at the very least, Marie Curie wasn't included. I'm not sure what criteria Swaby used to choose the women however so I'm sure there was a reason. Also, as another reviewer mentioned, this was heavily Caucasian centric. Again, I'm not into science so maybe the field is heavily skewed towards white women, but it seemed...odd.

Regardless this would make for a good recommendation to a young girl interested in science. There's a good accounting for all the kinds of sciences to act as a jumping off point for further discussion or research.