A review by arguhlincozzi
Windfall: The Booming Business of Global Warming by McKenzie Funk

This is actually a did not finish, because I can't do it. I know that climate change is real, a crucial topic to be addressing, and I do. I think about it daily, and as I make decisions on what to buy, who to vote for, and how I live my entire lifestyle. I support researchers who work on the topic. I do what I can, to both mitigate my household's impact and also try to help move society forward in a direction we need. But I can't manage reading this book - the casual destruction of the environment by so many governments and businesses in the name of the economy is too much for me to bear. It's a horror I can't abide to read so much detail about.

Funk writes engagingly, descriptively, and with an obvious amount of research, shining lights in dark shadows many of us are not privy to. Doesn't mean I am capable of looking, especially during Coronavirus times.