A review by xanthe87
Better Than People, by Roan Parrish


A heartwarming but occasionally heartbreaking story that brings two lonely men together who live life very differently. Simon's struggles with anxiety and being able to talk to people is written very well, showing how it affects all parts of his life as well as him physically and mentally. Jack had his trust broken by his best friend and business partner and so now is jaded against relationships as well as losing his passion for his art.
Together, they lift and cajole each other into a better place, helping to put one foot in front of the other and filling a role for each other that they weren't expecting. The friendship moves to more when both become strong enough within themselves, but especially Simon as everything they share is a first for him which makes it more magical.
The pack, Jack's furry family, are fabulous often acting human and showing themselves as individual with their own personalities. They give affection, protection and worry for each other and the humans in their lives. Jack's brother and Simon's grandmother are wonderful people. You can tell how much they care for their important family members though it is shown in different ways what with their different histories.
This was a wonderful relationship to read and I'm happy with how everything played out. There was a lot of learning and developing that both men had to do to get their HEA but it is definitely worth it.
I received an ARC via NetGalley and am happily giving a review.