A review by chaptersbyindia
Finding Perfect by Colleen Hoover


So..... How did I end up reading this book this evening? Well, I finally got my Kindle working, signed up for Kindle Unlimited, & was skimming through the recommendation on books and noticed there was a novella I hadn’t read of Colleen’s yet. I’ve read Hopeless (it was my first Coho book), I’ve read finding Cinderella, and I’ve read All Your Perfects. Never would I had thought that this book would had twisted into all of them.

It’s been years since I’ve read Finding Cinderella and I had forgot some parts of the plot but after the first few chapters in Finding Perfect I was glad it all came back to me. Colleen did amazing with bringing me right back into the love story of Six and Daniel.

I didn’t expect to become so engrossed with this short novella but I should had known better with it being written by Colleen. That woman and her books get me every single time no matter how long or short these stories can be, I’m always swept away & left devouring her words until the story is completed.

This was so good! If you love her other Novels and are left wanting more, this is the perfect book for that. Im so glad I stumbled upon this story tonight!