A review by mothmanwithapen
The Fallen Angel's Bride by Skye Wilson, Roxie Ray


I bought this book on accident, thanks one click.

To start, I've never read another book in this series. Yes, the 5th(?) Book is a strange place to start but it was purchased by mistake. That being said, I had no problem understanding what was happening. I don't know if I'd consider myself the target demographic for a novel of this type but I'm no stranger to romance/erotica. But to me this book was more of a comedy.

I had a blast reading it. Unfortunately, it was more because i enjoyed laughing at the absurdity of it all than good writing, plot or character.

The Fallen Angel's Bride is about a Scottish stereotype named after the Loch Ness Monster "falling in love with" Lara Croft. And by falling in love with I mean having sex with. Nessy is a fallen angel and a king of hell. Lara is his soul mate. If a soul mate was synonymous with whatever the werewolf imprinting in Twilight was. They've apparently spent multiple live together but for whatever reason the most boring one is the one where they're fated to conceive an apocalypse baby which only becomes an issue in the latter half of the book (at which point pregnancy is referenced in such an uncomfortable way, it made me uneasy.) The first half is spent having sex, going to a Spa in hell, going to a mall in hell, going to a restaurant in hell, and going to a Casino in hell (the authors do not know how blackjack is played. Considering it's a huge plot point they should have given it a Google). Then they conceive their apocalypse baby (at which point i realized the authors don't know how conception works. She is pronounced pregnant meer hours after sex), go live in Vermont with Lucifer who is so wonderfully nicknamed LUKE in this series and the book ends.

Would recommend for anyone who likes a good laugh.
Would not recommend for anyone who has a pregnancy phobia, or minds reading about women being only desired as sex objects.

This book is a solid 1 star but gets an extra for how many times it made me laugh out loud.

Also i just noticed the book description is actually wrong. They are sent to pull a heist not stop one. Dunno how such a huge mistake is made tbh