A review by jasmyn9
Seeking by Morgen Rich


The second episode of Incorrigible is a lot more hopeful than the first. We continue to meet a ton of interesting characters and lines begin to form between the various groups we have met that give a hint at tieing things together.

Grainne has landed in a new land searching for settlers to re-populated the destroyed island nation of Incorrigible. She never expects to find the group that she manages to run into. More new creatures - some that are similar to classic fantasy and some that are products of a very creative imagination - become both friends and some possible enemies.

The hopeful thread continues throughout the entire story and it seems to end on a fairly high note compared to the first book, but still leaves you wondering what is going to happen next.

*This book was received in exchange for an honest review*

- See more at: http://hotofftheshelves.blogspot.com/2014/02/review-incorrigible-secrets-past_23.html#sthash.rr5t8eZ8.dpuf