A review by katiekomissar
The Words, by Ashley Jade


Why was this book sitting in my TBR for so long?! I absolutely loved this book from beginning to end! I seriously did not want this book to end at all. I related with Lennon on a more personal level than I have with any other character. I think it’s because she’s a bigger girl, like me, and is self-concious about certain things with herself and her body.

Lennon was picked on all through school, but the only boy who paid any attention to her (mainly because he was somewhat forced to) was Phoenix Walker. Legend and playboy in school and Lennon’s secret obsession. She was dragged into tutoring him to help him graduate so he can live out his dream to become a big time rockstar with his best friend and bandmate, Storm.

With all the time Lennon and Phoenix spent together during, not only their tutoring session, but band rehearsals as well, they became very close and, dare we say, friends?

This book follows the characters throughout their lives growing up and following their dreams. Turns out, some dreams aren’t meant to follow as how you thought they would be. This is the case for Lennon. Her dream was to go to college and live HEA. But, the future did bring Lennon and Phoenix back together… but not how you would expect.

This book had a lot of twists and turns, but ultimately ends with an HEA. I rated this book with a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ and for spice, I rate this book