A review by jonetta
Then You Hide by Roxanne St. Claire


For some time now, former Marine sniper Wade Cordell has accepted consulting assignments from Lucy Sharpe and now she wants him to join Bullet Catchers. To help him decide, she throws him an "easy" assignment in St. Kitts. The effort to contact "vacationing" Vanessa Porter and bring her to Charleston, South Carolina turns out to be anything but easy.

Wade makes this story with his deceptively easy Southern style that masks some seriously deadly skills. His instincts are exceptional and the job would have possibly gone a lot better without the brash and strident Vanessa interfering. You have to admire her work skills where she competes and wins against Wall Street capitalists but subtlety isn't even in her vocabulary, which was in high demand as she was trying to find her friend and colleague, Clive Easterbrook. She and Wade might have located him sooner if she'd just. stopped. talking!!!!

Despite her frustrating behavior, Vanessa and Wade ended up being a pretty good team, her yin to his yang. The search for Clive took a sinister turn that made the story very exciting. It was difficult to figure out exactly what was going on, made murkier by a motley bunch of characters in these Leeward Islands. The continuing story arc involving imprisoned Eileen Stafford was always in the background, helping to make this a good and suspenseful story.

I liked how this story developed even with Vanessa's clumsy moments and am looking forward to the conclusion of this trilogy within the series. We're guaranteed more Lucy Sharpe time, too, enough for us to get more insight about this mysterious leader of Bullet Catchers.