A review by mgreco5
The Collective by Don Lee


For as much as I want to give this book a higher rating, I'm honestly torn. "The Collective" was well-written and had some great passages I know I'll come back to later, but I really didn't like the character of Joshua. He was didactic, opinionated...and yet I realize why he was that way and why he needed to be that way for the story. But, ultimately, I found him distracting. I also feel like I can't give this book a higher rating because I don't know that I would recommend it; not because it isn't written well, but because I feel a reader needs to be in a certain mindset. The book isn't really a light read and it deals a lot with the disillusionment of being an artist. There was also a point in the book where I felt I had to look up every other word. Additionally, from the book jacket sleeve, I thought this would be about three friends, and it is. But many other characters are brought into this "collective" and I lost track of a bunch of them. What can I say? I like small groups.

This is a book I think I will re-read in, perhaps, five years or so and come to have a greater appreciation for.