A review by mikekaz
Kin by Kealan Patrick Burke


I'm not exactly sure why but I delayed reading this book for a while. It circled up on my To Be Read list and I kept skipping it for other books. A mistake on my side because it is way better than my misconceptions had me thinking.

The story drops us not quite in the middle of the action but in the aftermath. In my mind I thought "this is the results from an alternate universe version of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre". An apt enough description that I think still fits. While one portion does focus on the family, other threads follow the sole survivor and her rescuer. Specifically, it looks at the steps that each person takes to deal with the situation and get beyond what happened. The story takes itself seriously and is realistic with its actions. The limitations of reality are still there and fall upon each person. The end result? A book that I really wish I had read sooner without pushing off.