A review by bookjunkie57
Personal Disaster by Ainsley Booth



 A Billionaire for Christmas
Billionaire Secrets, Book 3

 I Picked Up This Book Because: Saw the author's name on Scribd so I had to listen.

 Media Type: Audiobook
 Source: Scribd
 Dates Read: 12/08/20 - 12/09/20
 Stars: 2

 The Characters:

Poppy Lisowski:

 The Story:

I spent the first half of this book trying to figure out why it seemed so familiar. Turns out I had tried to read it before. The books in this series have been renamed and I was duped. The first time I read this I DNF’d the book because I didn’t really care for the characters. This time was much the same however I stuck it out because I was half way through before I realized I’d read it before. I still didn’t really care for the characters. They did nothing wrong. I just couldn’t eek out a connection. Also I never understood what Poppy even wanted from Marcus concerning her article.

 The Random Thoughts: