A review by kimdw
A Spark of Light by Jodi Picoult


Honestly not my favourite Jodi Picoult book, but still a good read! It was a little difficult to read for two reasons: 1) the format/timing of the book - it is written backward, each chapter starting an hour before the last, and 2) the topic: abortions. With each chapter starting an hour before the last, it was a book that you really needed to pay attention to, and remember details from the past. Often, I'd forget who a character was or what'd already happened. In part, that was due to the pace in which I read it (I started in December and finished in April). Perhaps if I'd read it faster/in less time, I would've enjoyed it more. I may try to read it and re-review it sometime in the future. The topic of abortions was approached from various points of view, which I appreciated but at times it was just hard to read because of the details (especially coming from the doctor's POV). As usual, there was a plot twist of sorts, though I'd call it more of a side-story twist. It wasn't as huge as her other plot twists, but she still threw me for a loop. As always.