A review by lenni_loves_literature
Tales of Ever After: A Fellowship of Fantasy Anthology by Sarah Ashwood, H. L. Burke, Alex McGilvery


I love fairy tales, especially reading retellings and learning new ones. I got to do both with this anthology! I’m super excited to share my opinions with everyone! Here goes!!!!!

#1 “Cinders” by Kendra E. Ardnek
“Cinders” was a funny and cute story of Cinderella. It’s also the perfect way to start out this anthology. This story was also very original and I can definitely say that the author is very creative. Five stars!!!

#2 “At the Corner of Elm & Main” by H.L. Burke
Cute, short, happy. The story teaches a good lesson, but the story was a little slow. It wasn’t really my thing and I have no idea what I would rate this. Somewhere slightly higher than a three, I guess.

#3 “Tears of the Sea” by Savannah Jezowski
I honestly don’t know why I loved this story so much. I think it’s because it was mermaids and there was a little bit of romance. But I seriously went crazy over this story. It was great!!! “Tears of the Sea” was awesome and I really wish it hadn’t ended! MORE PLEASE. I give it 4.5 Stars out of 5.

#4 “Steelhand” by Ashley Capes
This anthology has a diverse collection, which means there are a lot of stories for me and ones that aren’t for me. This is one of the ones that was not for me. Steampunk is not my thing and it never has been. I give this story a 2.

#5 “King or Beggar” by D.G. Driver
I cannot decide between this story or “The Princess and the Stonepicker” over which was the best story in this collection. I LOVED this story. I’ve never heard of King Thrushbeard, but now I’m interested. This was so sweet and kind of funny. I enjoyed this story so much and just because of this one alone I’d reread the whole book. FIVE STARS.

#6 “The Girl Who Talked to Birds” by Kristen S. Walker
Kind of funny, but also slow and not my thing. I don’t know why I read the ones I didn’t like all the way through. It just made me like the story even less than I already did. I guess I’m gonna go with a 2 star rating for this book. Not really sure how I even felt. Maybe it was a little coolish??? Oof.

#7 “The Princess and the Stone-Picker” by Sarah Ashwood
This is the other book I was talking about where I couldn’t decide which story was the best. This original story was so sweet and heartwarming, I wanted to cry when it was over. I LOVED this story. Truly captivating and enchanting!!!! Of course, five stars.

#8 “Wake the Moon” by Annie Louise Twitchell
To me, it appeared the author was going for some horror-type version of Sleeping Beauty. Mainly, the whole thing just confused me and kind of creeped me out. Super confusing. There were Native Americans and then there were special moon people and “The Father.” I’m guessing they were referring to God, but it was just supremely confusing. I honestly don’t know what was going on here!!! One star.

#9 “The Greatest Adventure” by J.M. Hackman
Could’ve been worse, could’ve been better. 2.5 Stars. I’m not super into dragons and stuff, so that’s definitely a huge factor in my feelings for this story. I’d definitely recommend it, though. If you’re a fan of dragons, you’re in for a treat. If not, you should skip.

#10 “Third Princess” by Emily Martha Sorensen
I know this author, actually. I do a lot of ARCs for her. I enjoy a lot of them. She writes very witty books and the readers can get a feel of her sense of humor. This story, though, was probably the best story I’ve read of her yet, and I wasn’t expecting it!!! “Third Princess” was outrageously funny and it’s probably the second best story in this anthology. For people who are looking for a more funny read, this story is it! (Four stars)

#11 “A Week After Midnight” by Alex McGilvery
Started out okay, but got a little dull as it went on. 3.5 Stars. If I’m being totally honest, when I was reading over all my notes, I couldn’t even remember what this story was about. Reading the end couple sentences was enough to trigger a memory, and I do know this book is a little funny and very... idk. Maybe sweet? I enjoyed it, but I’m happy it’s over.

#12 “Being Seen” by Gretchen E. K. Engel
Beautiful and heartwarming! A happy story, although a tid bit confusing at the very beginning before everything was explained. I loved the ending and I give the story a 3.5 star rating overall.

#13 “The Quest for the Wide-Awake Princess” by Lia London
For me, this story sounded better than it actually was. It sounded great, but the actual story was a bit of a let down. I did like how everything worked out in the end for the characters and it was a cute little story. 3 Stars seems like a good number for this one.

#14 “How to Hide a Prince” by E.J. Kitchens
Very funny title and a very unexpected ending. Uh oh, my notes says that I was very bored half way through... But now, I don’t think it was that bad. Kind of cute. My notes also say I gave the book a 2 star rating, but I’d be willing to up it to maybe a 3😉😉😉

#15 “Believing in Fairy Tales” by Arthur Daigle
This story is the reason it took me so long to finish the book. I didn’t want to read this because of how long and boring it was to me! My dad probably would’ve liked this, so I think it’s just a case of it not being for me. It’s just that, the story had sounded SO GOOD and I insisted that it would get better! It didn’t for me... I give it a one star, but recommend others try it because I feel that it’s meant for someone else’s tastes.

#16 “The Loathly Princess of Edimor” by L. Palmer
A truly fantastic way to end the whole anthology!!!! To say it moved me and made me smile is an understatement. It kind of reminded me of an E.D. Baker book. I believe the title is something like “Unlikely Magic?” I don’t know, but it was good and this was good. A fun story with a good ending. It left me wishing there were more short stories to read from this. 4.5 Stars Out of 5.

That’s all for now folks! I hope all you Fairy tale lovers try this book out and have as much fun as I did reading all these takes on classic tales as well as new stories that didn’t come from any fairy tales.