A review by samiism
The Best Horror of the Year, Volume Two by


There are two entries in this anthology that I particularly loved: "Lowland Sea" by Suzy McKee Charnas and "each thing I show you is a piece of my death" by Gemma Files and Stephen J. Barringer.

Everything else was kinda meh. Both of my favorites have that special blend of creepy, chilling, relatable, and uncanny.

Lowland Sea is the tale of a group of Hollywood production people who get stuck in a mansion in Cannes while outside, people are dying of the very contagious Red Sweat.

each thing I should you is a piece of my death is told through email exchanges, interview transcripts, and news reports. It's similar to The Ring, kind of. Focuses on "Background Man", a naked guy who shows up in videos but was never there when the video itself was shot.

If you're iffy about reading this, at least try these two stories. They'll keep you up at night.