A review by kalypsowolf
The Sword of Summer by Rick Riordan

  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes



I remembered nothing of this book despite definitely having read it in my teen years. By the time this came out I had pretty much fallen out of love with reading but I still picked up pretty much any Riordan book that came out. Maybe because I wasn't actively reading a ton is why I didn't retain anything, and maybe my memory is just hot garbo who knows.

I decided to annotate this and made notes and tabbed whenever the first instance of a mythological god, creature or place came up and like....maybe don't do that if you don't want like 100 tabs in your book lol. It was super fun though.

As for the book itself, I enjoyed it a lot. I love mythology of all types, but unfortunately never got super into Norse mythology, so teaching myself as I read was such a fun experience. Magnus as a character is quite fun to follow, if not a bit annoying at times, but so is nearly every 16 year old boy I've ever met, so I suppose it gets a pass. The writing isn't anything special. Honestly I don't think Riordan is a particularly good writer, he is just such an expert at crafting the world and story that you just end up not really caring that the writing is a bit more on the basic side.