A review by kaylasbookishlife
The Brown Anthology, Language by Sofia Amina


The Brown Anthology edited by Sofia Amina

I love reading about the experiences people have living within multiple cultures. I have really been into Anthologies this year. I think it’s a great way to read multiple authors and gives you a great stepping stone into a particular topic.

The Brown Anthology is complied of poems, stories and illustrations from Brown/South Asian creators. The overall theme of this anthology is Language.

It is absolutely so unique and unlike anything I’ve ever read. There are names and stories printed in different languages (and translated in English) which is so fascinating, especially to someone like myself who loves languages!

The editor, Sofia Amina, created a Micro-press @1010press to publish this book. We know that Brown, Black and other POC voices are quite neglected in the publishing industry. “There isn’t an audience for this” is something they continue to hear. I am so impressed that Sofia decided to create this micro-press so that marginalized voices can be at the forefront!

I’ll be talking more about this soon so stay tuned! In the meantime be sure to follow Sofia and the Press!