A review by marieke_du_pre
Watching for Comets, by Jordon Greene


I have a confession to make. I read ‘A mark on my soul’ and I liked it, a lot. So when Jordon Greene announced ‘Watching for comets’ I immediately added that one to my TBR and started reading on the day it came out, expecting to read it in a couple of sittings. And then ... there was a bummer ... because ... I didn’t like it. The first chapters felt like jumping from snippet to snippet. I sighed, became nervous and quit reading more than once. Because what if I really didn’t like this story? I hate it when I don’t like an anticipated book as much as I thought beforehand and I hate giving less than 3 stars (but sometimes I do).

Then I started again at 16% of the story and I forced myself to read more. And somehow from about 18% I read on and on instead of sighing and without wanting to throw my ereader away; I just found myself smiling every now and then.

From the moment Tyler and Aidan really started talking, not only the moment in the park, I connected more and more to the story and I dove into it and came out happy at the end. Fortunately!!

I liked the relationship between Tyler and Aidan, hesitant at first but growing more and more into a close friendship, later on liking each as in having a crush. I also liked the way their grief is handled, at first a lot of bad moments, later on more happy moments with bad ones in between. The doubts Tyler had about falling in love again, too soon, and the doubts Aidan had because he really liked Tyler but wasn’t sure Tyler liked him back, were very realistic. In the end I enjoyed the book a lot. Although the story started sad, overall it was fluffy and cute. So this story was a satisfying read. I would have been even more satisfied if I got to know Brayden a little better and if I had read more about the relationship between Tyler and his dad.

And Jordon, did you mention yourself in the book? At the coffee shop I go to down here sometimes, there’s this older bald writer that comes around and writes all the time. Think he writes horror too actually. Not that I think you’re old, and maybe you’re not bald (just shaved your hair on the photo on Goodreads) but this doesn’t seem like a coincidence