A review by gcamelopardalis
The Novice by Trudi Canavan


I definitely like this book more than the first one, mainly because Sonea actually does things in this one.

The school aspects of this book are really fun and very Tamora Pierce-esque. The classic outsider girl in the school, the attractive, classist, asshole bully.

But that was just Sonea's portion, this is also Dannyl's story and has an additional POV from Administrator Lorlen, who is a snore fest. Dannyl's story is more interesting, especially his relationship with T...I forgot his name and honestly I usually just look at reviews to remember characters names but I couldn't find one that mentions his name. Dannyl's assistant. I think thats maybe a bad sign.

I don't like books that jump around POVs. I get invested in a section and then suddenly we have to focus on someone entirely different.

Akkarin is a low-key major asshole, even though its clear he is doing black magic because of mysterious and probably valid reasons. I can't remember the third book's plot, but thats heavily suggested in this book.

I'm still gonna read the third book, but I don't think these books are my thing.