A review by ljwrites85
The Beresford by Will Carver


I've read a couple of books by Will Carver now and I've always come to expect the unexpected while reading his novels and The Beresford is no different.

The Beresford is written in Will Carver's signature style, dark, a little gruesome, underlined by a cynical tone and sharp wit.

I love the fact that the characters seem so ordinary and lifelike, like you'd know someone who's similar or you could imagine passing one of them in the street but each one is compelling in their own way.

The Beresford is almost like a character in itself even though it's only a building. It's owned and run by the elderly Mrs May. It's an old and imposing building but the rent is cheap so there's always a line of willing people to rent a flat there, even though the turnover rate of renters there is incredibly high.

While there is an air of mystery, (I mean why do the residents keep murdering each other???), I'd say this is more out-and-out horror than Will Carver's usual horror/mystery novels. I'd still recommend it if you loved his previous books.

The Beresford is Gothic, creepy and more than a little unsettling yet still keeps you glued to those pages.