A review by adam_z
Kindness Goes Unpunished by Craig Johnson


I've tried to give Johnson a fair shake, having read his first 3 books all in the last 3 months, but I'm not sure right now that I want to continue. If I do pick up the next book it will only be after taking a break and reading some other stuff first. I typically finish books of this length in 7 to 10 days, and this one took nearly two months to finish. Granted, my life has been busy, and I haven't been reading as much recently, but a great book that I feel immersed in calls to me to to make time to read it. So far the Longmire series simply doesn't do it for me. It's a shame, because I really like the idea of the police procedural in a rural western town rather than the mega-city setting that is more common, and I really like the characters and the superb dialogue between them. Whether it's Walt and Henry or Walt and Vic, there's lots of enjoyable interaction. Strangely, I liked the fish out of water element to having the characters travel to Philadelphia in this book. Even so, I still feel like the story plods along about the same as the first two books, requiring more effort on my part to actually finish the books than it should.