A review by prolinjb
Ports of Call by Amin Maalouf


I just finished reading Amin Maalouf's "Ports of Call," and I must say, it's the second book of his that I've delved into, following "Samarkand."

What struck me the most was the author's and translator's ability to convey complex events with such simplicity in prose and language, making it incredibly enjoyable to read.

The story revolves around an unexpected hero whose journey doesn't follow the typical arch you'd anticipate. It beautifully weaves in references to the Ottoman Empire, the French Revolution, and the Arab-Jew war, adding depth to the background.

The protagonist undergoes various phases in life, mostly blessed by fate, but it also explores the moments when fate turns against him. In those trying times, all he needs is a glimmer of hope, a small act of kindness from a loved one, to endure the hardships.

I can't praise both the book and the author enough. Although it's only 200 pages long, I suggest savoring it slowly, like a well-aged wine, to truly absorb its essence. Highly recommended!