A review by alexherder
Love Drugs: The Chemical Future of Relationships by Julian Savulescu, Brian D Earp


This could have been a 2,000 word article, and it probably should be. In fact, if you can find an article by these authors on the subject or a long-form interview podcast, you should check it out. The idea is fascinating: that love is subject to both psychosocial and biological factors and that we are now starting to understand and successfully intervene in the biological side in a way that seems to be far more powerful and effective than traditional therapy.

The title and synopsis reads like it will be a pop science Michael Pollan-esque exploration of relationship/love pharmacology. Maybe something like [b:How to Change Your Mind|36613747|How to Change Your Mind What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence|Michael Pollan|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1545030338l/36613747._SY75_.jpg|58370652]. But it's not that. It's much more of a philosophy text, with much more time dedicated to thoroughly establishing the ethical frontier of this movement and (in my opinion) far too much hand wringing. I did finish it, and I am intrigued by the implications, but most of the "on the other hands" probably could have been cut without much loss.