A review by chelsaat
About That Fling by Tawna Fenske


Here's what I look for when I read a romance:

1) It doesn't make my inner feminist want to shrivel up and die - the girl still cares about her career, there's no slut-shaming, the men aren't total dicks, etc
2) Good chemistry and banter between the leads
3) Solid jokes

Luckily I can say this book checked all the above and I had a lot of fun reading it. I was really worried that the premise - girl accidentally falls in love her best friend's ex-husband - would lead to some unfortunate women-hating down the line, but I was very pleasantly surprised that it wasn't the case. This book is a fun romance that also shows that people can change and grow from past relationships, and there doesn't have to be bitterness about it.

I also loved that she was a PR girl :)