A review by sfreund
Remote: Office Not Required by David Heinemeier Hansson, Jason Fried


Overall, I agree

This book is focused on... (hold your breath) working remotely. As a remote worker myself,
I agree with nearly everything the book had to say about working remotely. The illustrations were entertaining to stop and pause at between pages. I'd give the core message of the book 4/5 stars.

Where I fell off with this one was the repetition. I felt like a two-by-four and the idea of remote work was being hammed into me repeatedly. I do believe that repetition is what I need to memorize things, but in this case I found myself holding back the urge to skim because it felt like I had already read the page. If I had not ever worked remotely before, I think that this book would have been more fascinating rather than something I occasionally nod my head at. If you currently work remotely, I'd recommend skimming this one and reading the headlines that feel applicable. If you have not worked remotely, I'd say this one is worth a read.
