A review by serialromancelibrarian
Birching his Bride by Golden Angel


This book was quite entertaining. It’s very naughty, but sometimes a girl wants to read that kind of thing! I didn’t really enjoy the beginning when the h’s father birches her. That part was a bit too taboo and uncomfortable for me.

The H is very nice, understanding, and accommodating for the most part. He puts up with a lot of ridiculous antics from the very self-centered and unlikeable h. The h is annoying, selfish, and quite dumb. It’s hard to feel anything for her because she’s so atrocious and spoiled, but it gives the H plenty of opportunities to correct her behavior. This book ends on a cliffhanger, which I loathe. It was a fun read but I doubt I’ll purchase the series in order to continue. I like my h’s a little less vapid.