A review by wanderlustlover
The Blight of Muirwood by Jeff Wheeler


Summer 2018, Whispersync Audiobook & Kindle Books:

I blow straight through Wheeler's trilogy in what amounts to a little more than a book a day, so these are all going to end up running together.

I rather loved Lia's story, and getting to both read and listen to it. I love the Maston magic (even if it did ring a little too close to The Fountain from his most recent series I had picked up and run through). I loved Colvin's wandering, plodding uncertainty about everything, especially his feelings. I loved that this love story didn't end up looking like anyone of the clearly too-alike earlier ones in the Fountain Head double trilogy.

I mourned the descent of this gorgeous, glorious culture of virtues and faith as the handholds for real magic, and how the forcing of it was what spurned the world into blackness (which is in the reverse to what interests me about its centuries later follow-up trilogy). I believe people will enjoy these and run them rather fast. The characters are engrossing. The story goes everywhere, and I am left with a very clear feeling and idea of what this world looks like, and the fact its out there still living on, even though I'm no longer at the fire listening to its tale being told.