A review by xoczarina
Tempestuous by Kim Askew, Amy Helmes


I unexpectedly loved this one. At first I thought this was just like any other chick-lit with nauseating romance and cheesy dialogues, so I wasn't prepared for how good this was.

Miranda was very likeable -except where she judged Chad and Caleb too quickly- she's funny, witty, and has a knack for leadership. Everyone just adores her, I mean, someone brings her shakes during her breaks, for chrissakes! (hey, that rhymed!). Then there's her brilliant schemes. I admit, revenge is petty, but her plans were awesomesauce. I loved the spa part, that was just hilarious.

Her romance with Caleb was a bit cliche, but it works in a sense. Being handcuffed to each other definitely made it more interesting. Also, there's Miranda's pixie-like co-worker, Ariel, she would just definitely surprise you.

Aside from plotting revenge, there was also the somewhat predictable mall robbery mystery, so Miranda and co. definiteley had a busy night.

After all that, I still want more of this light, funny read. Now if only I could grab the second installment of this one.