A review by didsomeonesayviolin
Beyond the Night by Alexandra Bracken


Sam and Lucas are freaking everything to me. EVERYTHING. And Lucas is my book boyfriend number one at the moment, like, sorry Will and sorry Jules and sorry whoever else was on this list, Lucas Orfeo is EVERYTHING. I mean, Kaz Brekker maybe could give him a run for his money, but right now Lucas is the sweetheart, thank you very much.

Also, can we talk about all the things Alexandra Bracken made us miss in the original trilogy? Like, hello? Do we seem like a joke to you? Do we seem like not madly in love with Lucas Orfeo? I am well aware that I'm being unreasonable, but if she wrote a whole trilogy only about Sam and Lucas, I'd buy all the copies if possible, thanks in advance.

Should I conclude this? I don't care. This is a damn amazing novella with some damn amazing characters who I love with all my heart and if you haven't read it yet, I have no idea why you're still waiting.
→4.75 stars