A review by iamhume
Croak by Gina Damico


Croak didn't really seem like my type of read. Then I read a review that said it was was a bit of a farce on boarding schools and had a Harry Potter-esque feel to it. I was pleasantly surprised by this book.

Lex is a very, very angry protagonist. I was a lot hesitant about her, seeing as how the book started out with her in the principle's office for punching a boy. But then it got a whole lot better. Lex is angry, but there is a reason behind all the rage and violence. She is shipped off to the little town of Croak to live with her Uncle Mort, believing that he lives on a farm. To her surprise, she learns that she is a Grim Reaper and the plot unfolds from here.

Lex posesses a good mixture of good and bad traits: She's smart, determined, and loyal to those she loves. She can't keep secrets, always seems to be looking for a fight, and lets her temper get the best of her. She's not perfect and she's not apologetic about it.

Driggs, Lex's Killing partner, is adorable, awkward, and a total cutie. He acts just like an 18 year old boy should and Gina Damico should be given a metal for her writing. So often teenage boys are written way too mature and suave for their age. I'm not saying teenage boys can't be mature, but I have yet to meet one.

Uncle Mort was awesome. I wish I had an uncle like him. He was serious when he needed to be, but also funny and full of wisdom that Lex needed.

The rest of the supporting characters all sort of blurred together, which is my one biggest complaint. I couldn't keep track of who was who, and I feel that part of it was because of some of the really odd names. Kloo?

The plot was paced well, and only slowed a bit in the middle when the real problem of the story emerged. I really liked the details that went into the world building here. Nothing was confusing, everything was explained. The town was well established, along with how Grim Reapers work. I want my own Scythe.

The bad guy, however, was easy to spot. I won't say much here, but I would have liked to be surprised by who it was. Oh well, can't have everything.

If you're looking for a light, fun read, Croak is certainly a good choice. There's tons of witty banter, teenage angst and sexual tension, and fun characters to fall in love with.