A review by qace90
The Bookshop Rescue by Rochelle Alers

Did not finish book. Stopped at 19%.
DNF 19%

This sounded like a super cute premise and I’m a sucker for books with pets, especially when the pet brings a couple together. I was prepared for heteronormativity because it’s a Harlequin romance, but I figured this would be a fun, quick little read to brighten my day. Instead, I am just really tired of how food and health are correlated. I know this is a common occurrence, but honestly that just adds to my exhaustion. It was super sweet that Calum decided to send food over to Lucy after she gifted him books for his niblings, but her coworker commenting on how she can no longer eat from Pins and Pints for her health and continuing on about how when she was Lucy’s age she could eat whatever and now she has lists of can and cannot eat. I know the healthiness of food choices depends on an individual and their dietary needs and intolerances, but having someone randomly talking about how they can’t eat from a place just, i don’t know, maybe I’m being too sensitive but I don’t have the capacity to handle those kinds of comments in my books. I’m sure this will be a cute book and a sweet romance, but for myself it isn’t working. I hope it finds its audience and brightens peoples’ day.