A review by tezzarudge
Legacy of the Brightwash by Krystle Matar


4.5 rounded to 5.

What a wonderful book. An incredible indie book and well worth it's 2nd place in the SPFBO7 final . (I am currently reading all finalists to decide on my winner)

As this is part of a longer series I don't want to give away too many spoilers with my review.

What I will say, is the character writing in this book is top top tier. It is right up there with my favourite authors in Hobb, Martin and Iggulden. I have been utterly blown away by the emotional depth and development of the characters through this book. It truly is the winning feature in this novel

The plot is of a slower pace, which is my preferred style. We get opportunities to understand why the characters do what they do and feel what they feel. And my gosh do you get to feel during this book!!!

The politics side of the book wasn't my favourite part, but it did tie really nicely into the more detective portion of the story.

I am super excited to pick up the next book in this series