A review by theresidentbookworm
Angel #1 by Gabriel Cassata, Bryan Edward Hill, Dan Panosian, Gleb Melnikov


What I Thought Of Angel Being Broody in 2019 (Or My Thoughts on Angel #1)

1. I really liked the opening sequences. Stupidly, I was hoping Mara was a Slayer who would
Spoiler live, and then I saw that it was Angelus, and I knew there was no hope.
Still, it's a really cool way to start the issue and show Angel as Angelus.

2. I am really into Gleb Melnikov's artwork in this issue. It fits the mood of Angel as a character and the world he inhabits, and I love the style, particularly how thick the lines are and the way he draws Angel.

3. Predictably, Angel does not think much of 21st century teens, social media, or how 21st century interact with it. However, there was an unexpected sympathy to Angel's judgement and dismay. It's like he's observing them and feels bad this is the path they're choosing. He wants them to have innocence longer, which is admirable if misguided.

4. Angel's interaction with the Instagram teenager is golden. I laughed so hard. I feel like Angel could have a small following of teenagers if he wanted. I could see 2019 teenagers bein into his aesthetic. Also, though, since when can't Angel be photographed? Is that new? Or is that lore I'm missing.

5. Who is this random dude Angel goes to visit for advice, a kid whom he once saved? Is this supposed to be Doyle? Please say no. I want Doyle to be a real character.

6. I'm not sure who Lilith is. Maybe she's a character from the Angelverse that I haven't gotten to yet, or maybe she's a new character. Either way, I love her. She is goals for me. I love that she just comes to give Angel vague prophecies and cryptic advice. What goals.