A review by nyctose
The Hundred Secret Senses by Amy Tan


I love Amy Tan's writing. It's so simple and direct, warm and sweet. It captures the truth effortlessly.
This book is for you if you ever thought that life could be more than just the Big Bang Theory and evolution...The Hundred Secret Senses isn't sci-fi, no, it's more like a story that tells you to hope and enjoy life. I found the novel tiring at first, yes, and nothing seemed to be happening except the female protagonist declaring her hatred for her half-sister, but slowly, the story blossomed from a bud into a flower. When the final revelation was made, I knew what was going to happen moments before, and I was shocked, because the whole seemingly meaningless stories finally made sense.
I liked the ending, and now that I look at the book from hindsight, somehow the ending makes up for the weird middle part of the book.
Regardless, if you want to read a book that tells you to hope despite the way life sometimes is ironic, you will find great solace in The Hundred Secret Senses.