A review by barry_x
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters Deluxe Edition by Tom Waltz, Erik Burnham


This gets Four FANBOY stars just because I got a kick out of some old fashioned nostalgia! Oh my gosh - they crossed over Ghostbusters with TMNT!!!!! That is off the charts cool!

...except it really isn't. This TPB is great for people to look at and go 'wow Ghostbusters and Turtles sharing the same space' and gush over their childhoods (I'm looking at you, other early 40's nerds) but the story is little more than 'wow Turtles and Ghostbusters ON THE SAME PAGE!'.

If you are going to get multiple nostalgia kicks on every page then this is the book for you, if you're looking for something with a bit more depth then I'd skip this.

Once again the Turtles are messing around with Transdimensional thingymajugs and it goes wrong and they land in the same place in New York as their intended destination, except it's a parallel dimension in which the Ghostbusters reside. They bring with them Kitsune's brother Chi-You - some bull headed immortal (this will be lost on anyone who isn't familiar with the Turtles IDW run) who wants to TAKE OVER EVERY WORLD. He possesses Casey and there are a bunch of boring fight scenes. Then they win.

The four issues are kind of predictable - the first issue is the 'who are these guys, shall we fight or work together' issue, the second and third are just a bunch of fight scenes and by the fourth I was all 'get on with it and go home Turtles'. That's my main issue as you never felt the Turtles were in peril and likely to fail in making it back. The story is just very linear and an excuse for you to get a kick out of Mikey eating pizza with the Ghostbusters, the turtles riding in Ecto 1 and Donnie getting a kick out of Spengler's tech. The April and Janine 'redheads' angle doesn't work although the buddying up of Winston and Leo is kind of cool. Did I see Bebop and Rocksteady at the hocket game?

Great for nostalgia fans, a pass for everyone else...