A review by ophelia95ae4
Fantasian by Larissa Pham


I've wanted to read this for aaages and I finally caved and ordered it [exorbitant shipping fees included] and am I glad I did. First of all, it's beautifully published - the purple is excellent, the cover is a velvety matte and it's very compact. Really liked the font too. Secondly, the hype I'd created in my head was deserved. I follow Larissa Pham on twitter and I'm a big fan of her words in general, so this was a real treat.

The plot is basically:

And it's awesome.

I think the way this book made me feel while reading it is more important than its plot/character work etc [although both of those are wonderful]. I felt like when I had it in my hands, I became a different person. The way I was holding it, the way I was turning the pages, the way I thought about it felt alien and strange, but not in an uncomfortable way. It really speaks to the power of it and what you can pack in such a tiny book. Definitely one to reread on multiple occasions and watch as it reveals itself to you, like a dark moon. I will spend ridiculous amounts of money on any future work Pham puts out.