A review by laurenjodi
Abandon the Night by Colleen Gleason, Joss Ware


Abandon the Night
4 Stars

Series Note: This is the third book in the Envy Chronicles series and it is essential to read in order as Quent and Zoe’s relationship begins in book #1 and develops from there.

The post-apocalyptic world building is fascinating and the descriptions of a society coping with the day to day struggles of life in a hostile environment are gripping. Nevertheless, the romantic elements in this series don’t quite live up to expectations, and this is particularly true of Quent and Zoe, whose intense connection has such potential but ultimately falls short.

Zoe is my favorite type of heroine: strong, independent and kick-ass. Unfortunately, it is precisely these characteristics that make it difficult to completely identify with her, as she comes across as harsh, cold and remote. Consequently, when she does eventually accept her feelings for Quent and admits that she loves him, the sentiment feels forces and unbelievable.

Quent, on the other hand, is very a very likable and engaging hero mainly due to the underlying vulnerability that stems from the abusive experiences of his childhood and his feelings of guilt and responsibility regarding his father’s role in the destruction of the world. He is also hopelessly besotted with Zoe, which is very endearing and appealing given his rakish ways from before the Change.

The continuation of the story arc involving Quent’s search for his father, Parris Fielding, one of the masterminds of the catastrophic change that destroyed the earth, is both exciting and satisfying with new information provided on the Cult of Atlantis and the cause of the Change. That said, it is actually the secondary plot focusing on Remington Truth, which really grabs the attention and I am eager to read her book.